
Music is an important part of our worship services. In the tradition of the Calvinist reformers, we emphasize strong congregational singing, incorporating various styles of music from Genevan Psalms to the great Lutheran and English hymns, to contemporary music, led by a variety of instruments and members of the congregation.


The primary musical instrument of our church is its century old R. S. Williams and Sons pipe organ. Originally purchased for $3,500.00 in 1958, at the time our facilities were built, it has been refurbished and enlarged over the years. At just under 1,000 pipes, it is a modest, but adequate instrument for the robust singing for which our congregation is known.


In 2003 our congregation acquired a small Kawai grand piano. It is used regularly to lead the singing, along with the organ, as the lead instrument of our praise team, or on its own. We are blessed to have a number of talented pianists who contribute regularly to our worship experience.


The members of our praise team focus on teaching the congregation to sing new and contemporary worship songs, adding a dimension to our worship, which allows us to express praise to our God from the context of today’s cultural experience.


Besides our regular accompanists, we are also blessed to have a great variety of musically talented members in our congregation. From time to time they join forces as an “orchestra” which includes a number of violins, cello, clarinet, flutes, trumpets, and saxophones among others. This is another way in which the praise we bring via our music is truly a congregational experience.


9:30 AM Morning Worship
6:00 PM Evening Worship


420 Highway 5 West
Dundas, Ontario L9H 5E2
(5 km West of Clappison Corners)