Sacraments and Beliefs

Our church celebrates two sacraments … Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion (or Lord’s Supper).

These sacraments are given to the church as visible and tangible confirmation of the message of God’s grace through Jesus Christ as put forth in the Bible.

1) Holy Baptism is administered to infant children of the congregation, as well as to adults who come to faith in Jesus who have not previously been baptized in a Christian church.

2) Holy Communion is celebrated on the third Sunday of each month, as well as on Good Friday. Anyone who is a member in good standing of a church which accepts the Bible as God’s Holy Word is welcome to join us in our communion celebrations.

Our denomination has published a complete statement of our beliefs and faith statements.


9:30 AM Morning Worship
6:00 PM Evening Worship


420 Highway 5 West
Dundas, Ontario L9H 5E2
(5 km West of Clappison Corners)